Monday, July 8, 2019


We hope all of our modern pioneers had a memorable, faith-building experience on Trek! We were constantly impressed with the youth, who endured much and served each other by helping and uplifting one another, on the trail and off. We love those kids! All of their parents should be proud!

We collected several items that were left behind. If you are missing something, please contact Minna Dyer to describe your item and we can make arrangements to get it to you. Thank you!

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Last- Minute Trek Items and Suggestions

Trek is nearly here!

Here is some last-minute prep info to help you:

  • Remember do not pack the clothes you are wearing on the first day of Trek. Come dressed in pioneer clothing, including your hat or bonnet, your comfy walking shoes and keep any little items you want to carry in pockets- chapstick, sunscreen, etc. 
  • Work gloves! Do not pack these either. They were not on the original packing list by mistake (oops) but please try to get some to make pulling and pushing the cart easier. 

  • Water bottle with attachment- A water bottle is a must! We will be able to carabiner our water bottles to a rope that's placed around the handcart, so bring a water bottle with a carabiner or hook if you can.
  • Bring an extra pair of shoes in case one pair gets wet. You can pack them in your bag if there is no room in your bucket.
  • Pack Layers- It might get really cold at night, so pack layers and remember that warm coat or jacket. You can pack it in your bag with your sleeping gear.
  • Label your gear- After everything is packed, make sure you label your gear bag and bucket. Use a Sharpie directly on your bucket and bag or label with some tape. 
  • Don't forget your necklace! Remember the ancestor you are walking for by wearing the necklace with their name on the medallion. They will appreciate it and so will you!
  • Bandana- This is not necessary but very handy.
We want you to be prepared so if you have any questions about what to bring, don't hesitate to ask in the comments!

We are getting excited!

Friday, June 21, 2019

VIDEO "Special Witness"- Elder Rasband

Getting into the Spirit of Trek

Here is something you can watch as a family in the final days of your Trek prep.

As modern pioneers, we are creating a heritage of faith for those who will follow us. 
How can I build upon the legacy of my ancestors? 
How can I be a modern pioneer? 
From Salt Lake City, Elder Rasband answers these questions.

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Are you READY?!

Trek is next week! We hope you have been preparing yourself spiritually and physically for this special event.

Here are some things you need to know:
  • Make sure you have everything on your packing list for your bedding bag and bucket. Everyone's bag and bucket will be checked by wards before you leave for Trek and at check-in at the Trek site.
  • Each youth must bring a NUT-FREE sack lunch for Thursday. All other meals will be provided by the stake.
  • Eat a good breakfast Thursday morning.
  • Don't hesitate to talk to your ward youth leaders if you have questions!
  • Pray and read your scriptures daily!
Wards will be arranging rides for their youth to get to the Trek site. Check with your ward for details regarding Thursday morning drop-off and Saturday afternoon pick-up.

Use this last week to prepare every needful thing so that your Trek experience is a successful one!

Friday, May 31, 2019

Your Bedding Bag and Ancestor Necklace

Thanks to all who came to the activity Wednesday night!
You should have received a bag to pack your bedding and a necklace for the ancestor you are walking for at the activity. If you did not get them, or if you could not go, please let your YM or YW leader know, and we can make sure they get it to you.

Thursday, May 23, 2019


We are asking each youth to find a pioneer name to learn about before Trek. 
 Hannah Belle Martin, Age 16

Learning about your pioneer ancestors will make your Trek experience more meaningful. 
If you do not have an ancestor who crossed the plains, find the name of someone who was a pioneer in other ways. This can be:
  • an ancestor who was the first one to bring the gospel to your family 
  • someone who came before you who has had a meaningful impact on your life
  • someone who overcame great adversity or trials
After you have picked the name of an ancestor to walk for,
Bring your name to the Trek activity next Wednesday!
You will be making a keepsake with your ancestor's name on it that you will be able to take with you on Trek.

Continue to take the time to get to know your ancestor you are walking for. You will find a greater appreciation for who they were, your connection to them will become stronger, and Trek will be more significant. Ultimately, more meaning and purpose in our efforts to gather Israel will come to light.

Monday, May 13, 2019

Padded Bucket Seat Tutorial

Padded Seat Cushion** 
  • 1 Gamma lid (Lowe's and Winco) to fit a 5-gallon bucket*
  • fabric or bandana, 20"-22" inches wide
  • wooden circle, 10"-11" (I found thin craft rounds at Hobby Lobby, $3.99 for a 3 pack)
  • foam, 2" thick (I found a 2-pack of 1" foam (12"x12") and put them together)
  • staple gun
  • Adhesive Velcro strips

1. Gather your materials. (Not pictured is the staple gun and Velcro.)

2. Measure your fabric or bandana to create a 20"-22" circle. I folded a bandana into quarters and measured an 11" arc from the center and then cut.

3. Trace your wooden circle onto your foam. Cut out circle.

4. Place foam circle onto wooden circle. Place fabric circle on a hard surface. Turn foam and wooden circle upside down onto fabric. 

5. Sew a wide basting stitch around your fabric so it can be gathered easier and more evenly.

5. While pulling the fabric taut (but not too tightly) around the foam side and into the center of the wooden side, staple the gathered fabric onto the wooden circle.

6. With both sides of the Velcro strips together, cut 4 Velcro strips to match up on Gamma lid (about 2 3/4" long) and adhere one side of the Velcro pieces to the lid.

7. With other sides of Velcro placed on the 4 secure strips, remove backing to reveal adhesive. Then center padded seat onto the lid, pressing firmly. 

The next part might be a little tricky especially if you have strong Velcro:
8. CAREFULLY pull padded seat off of the lid, making sure (with your fingers) to take the Velcro with it. If the Velcro moves a bit just reposition as best you can to get it to match up with Velcro on the lid.

9. Staplegun the Velcro onto the padded seat. 

Test out your seat (and Velcro placement) by placing it on the lid. If the Velcro matches up, you're done!

*You will need to use a rubber mallet to secure the adapter ring (the part that allows you to screw the lid on and off) onto the bucket. 

**This is for a removable padded seat. If you don't care to take the cushion off, you can just secure the padded seat by hot gluing the wooden base to the lid.

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Start Trekkin'!


Start planning several hikes with your friends and family to get used to walking several miles a day. Your body will thank you!

Don't forget your water, sunscreen, first-aid kit, and bug spray. We needed all of those things on our hike today!

Happy trails!